New Start Required Again

The result I get is: 496958

Well that why that is wrong
Type syscli getnetworkinfo and report
Just looking for

“version”: 4010300,
“subversion”: “/Satoshi:4.1.3/”,
“protocolversion”: 70015,
“localservices”: “0000000000000409”,
“localservicesnames”: [
“localrelay”: true,
“timeoffset”: 0,
“networkactive”: true,
“connections”: 24,
“geth_sync_status”: “synced”,
“geth_total_blocks”: 10296639,
“geth_current_block”: 10296639,

“version”: 4010200,
“subversion”: “/Satoshi:4.1.2/”,
“protocolversion”: 70015,
“localservices”: “0000000000000409”,
“localservicesnames”: [
“localrelay”: true,
“timeoffset”: 0,
“networkactive”: true,
“connections”: 22,
“geth_sync_status”: “synced”,
“geth_total_blocks”: 10296656,
“geth_current_block”: 10296656,

Well you have not updated to the latest version, 4.1.3 is the latest

Run sysmasternode to update

Then when that has finished reindex by typing sudo service syscoind stop && sleep 10 && sudo su -c 'syscoind -reindex' syscoin all on one line

When that finished check blockcount again against the explorer

Now the blockcount is similar to the explorer! Is there any more step?

syscli masternode status

“status”: “Masternode successfully started”

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All done then you can close this issue

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Already 2 times updated and after 9 days he writes to me again NEW START REQ
What to do?
Wallet ver 4.1.3

Log on to your VPS and type syscli getblockcount and report result

how to do it on Mac OS?

How do I log in to the VPS on Mac Os?

Hi Johnp.
result 496958

Then you did not do this New Start Required Again

can be clarified in steps
1 Run sysmasternode
2 Then when that has finished reindex by typing sudo service syscoind stop && sleep 10 && sudo su -c 'syscoind -reindex' syscoin all on one line

When that finished check blockcount again against the explorer
am i doing right?

Yes that is correct make sure you do the second step

pls see

Just press enter for everthing