Upgrading your 4.2 Masternodes with VPS Script Install

  1. Login to your VPS via root
  2. Run the following command


If this does not work, please type in the following and try again

source ~/.bashrc

  1. This will bring up the following;

  1. Press enter and it will bring up the following screen;

  2. Press Enter for all options. If release notes state you need to upgrade Sentinel, you will need to type “y” for Sentinel Upgrade.

  3. This will now install the newest version of Syscoin.

  4. Once Completed type the following

syscli getnetworkinfo

This will bring up the following screen and will show that you have upgraded to the latest version. At time of writing latest release was 4.2.1 - this will be different if there are newer releases.

  1. Your Masternode is now upgraded to the latest version of Syscoin, you may now exit out of your VPS.


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After running the script and then rebooting, my nodes reindexed, but the masternode_status (used to not have the _) says: This is not a masternode. They also are no longer showing up in QT or the masternode list. They did have the block issue, but I followed the instructions to fix that

Have you upgraded to 4.2 as a fresh install? This is an upgrade from 4.2 to 4.2.2.

I did not. I went from 413 to 422.

Should I rebuild at 42?

Yes you need a clean install.