2020: 05--06 --- Blockchain Foundry Syscoin IT Cost

Blockchain Foundry Syscoin IT Cost

Project Proposal

willyko - wko@blockchainfoundry.co

1. General Project Information

Project Name: Blockchain Foundry Syscoin IT Cost
Project Manager: dwasyluk
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n8ooNDy2947YxKP2nb4iamQzGceD89fEXbe7fBMs_5A/edit?usp=sharing
Vote: N/A

2. Description

Blockchain Foundry Inc. has been supporting the development of Syscoin through various means including the network infrastructure on mainnet as well as testnet. We believe the current Syscoin decentralized governance is able to sustain itself, so we would like to share the cost of the current network infrastructure backing the Syscoin network

Due to the limited fund available in Syscoin governance this round, we would like to request assistance from the foundation, and we will not be submitting a real proposal on the Syscoin network this month

3. Status RAG (Red, Amber, Green)

Status Time Budget Risks
**RAG Status Guideline**
Status Time Budget Risks
Green: Key milestones are met and critical path and delivery end date are not affected. Cost variance is < 10% of lifetime cost. No risk is reported Amber or Red.
Amber: One or several key milestones cannot be met but critical path and delivery end date are not affected. Cost variance is 10%-20% of lifetime cost. At least one risk is reported as Amber and none is reported as Red.
Red: One or several key milestones cannot be met. Critical path and delivery end date are affected. Cost variance is >= 20% of lifetime cost. At least one risk is reported as Red.

4. Overall Status

We are currently running about 20 nodes for the Syscoin infrastructure. Please see the doc attached for the node list.

5. Progress and Achievements Since Last Reporting Period

6. Time


7. Budget

1192.98USD based on last month AWS billing report
Requesting 44960SYS

8. Risks

<risk planning>

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