2020: 12–12 — MARKETING PROPOSAL , Syscoin ARABIC Community

Syscoin MARKETING PROPOSAL , ARABIC Community 2020: 12–12

Project Proposal

JEE Gaber CEO of Arabsbitcoin - jee@arabsbitcoin.com

1. General Project Information

Project Name: Marketing in ARABIC Community
Project Manager: Jee Gaber
Telegram : Telegram: Contact @jee_at
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dr_Trading
Vote: <console command to vote for your proposal>

2. Description

With the prospect of last partnership with Binance and the adoption of Syscoin Bridge, we would like to promote and raise awareness of Syscoin in Arabic countries.

Why it is important to market Syscoin in Arabic Countries?
The collection of Arab countries is made up of 22 Arab countries and a total population across all countries is c423 million. Arabic countries have an increasingly large crypto-enthusiastic community.
The main goal of our marketing proposal is to spread the word about Syscoin among the Arabic crypto communities in the Middle East & North Africa region, about Syscoin most important aspects and features to exact targeted audience through third party disguise. This provides a complete marketing assistance which will culminate in highly successful results for Syscoin in the Arabic crypto market.
Communities around cryptocurrencies are biased against paid and sponsored content. With our marketing proposal, the word about Syscoin will be spread from our team which is also regular community members and content creators. This way, messages that are talking positively, or even posts that are sparkling conversations about Syscoin looks completely organic.
We analyze the target audience within the crypto community and target channels that these people are following. We have a team from all around the Arabic countries covering different local communities in different regions.

MARKETING Plan for 1 Months

1. Create and manage Arabic Telegram Group and Conduct AMA with team
We will create Arabic Group for Syscoin in order to help Syscoin Arabic community and keep them updated about Syscoin
We go out to the related Telegram groups and start a conversation about Syscoin. We will Conduct 1 AMA for Arabic community with the Team.

2. Content Creation, Translation & Press Coverage

  • Covering the following outlets, We will post in our website and our Telegram communities.

  • We create Arabic articles about Syscoin. And post in Arabic websites and groups

  • We create & translate press releases and take care of the media outreach.

  • We post, Tweets and mention Syscoi project under various posts to get the maximum visibility.

Our communities divided into different below Channels and groups:

  1. For general crypto topics/news



  1. Website: For general crypto news and articles

3. Status RAG (Red, Amber, Green)

Status Time Budget Risks
**RAG Status Guideline**
Status Time Budget Risks
Green: Key milestones are met and critical path and delivery end date are not affected. Cost variance is < 10% of lifetime cost. No risk is reported Amber or Red.
Amber: One or several key milestones cannot be met but critical path and delivery end date are not affected. Cost variance is 10%-20% of lifetime cost. At least one risk is reported as Amber and none is reported as Red.
Red: One or several key milestones cannot be met. Critical path and delivery end date are affected. Cost variance is >= 20% of lifetime cost. At least one risk is reported as Red.

4. Overall Status

<status description>

5. Progress and Achievements Since Last Reporting Period

<progress description>

6. Time

Dec 2020

7. Budget

15000 SYS Dec 2020

8. Risks

9. Vote For Us!

To vote in support of this proposal:

  • Vote in Syscoin-Qt
    • Open Syscoin-Qt
    • Select Tools > Console from the top menu
    • Copy and paste the following command onto one line, and hit enter:
    • Link : gobject vote-many 5c8c1505b7d95acf9fcd13283048c06ffe90c035fe07d3fdd6adbf85e6160c49 funding yes