2021: 06-06 - SysLinks & More


Project Proposal


1. General Project Information

Project Name: SYSLINKS & More
Project Manager: @MooBaa

2. Description

For the month of June 2021, Syslinks&more will not submit its own governance proprosal. Instead, a now reduced amount of 3K Sys that reflects the overall decline of funds available through governance will be part of the Syscoin Foundation proposal. will be sought. **2021: 06-06 - Syscoin Foundation June Proposal .

The purpose of this post is therefore to update the community on the work/activities during the past 30 days.

Funds are sought for the following marketing activities.

1. Syslinks:
The webpage https://syscoin.network/syslinks that maintains and updates daily all relevant links for the Syscoin Platform and is marketed as
Syslinks is marketed as THE complete and up-to-date link collection for the Syscoin Platform” It thus serves as a resource used by the community, marketing and developers alike. Particularly popular are the sections ‘wallets’, ‘exchanges’ and ‘masternode hosting providers’.

2. SysHeadlines:
In addition, in order to exend the reach of Syslinks and to supplement existing official website, the page **https://syscoin.network/sysheadlines** was added, which will become an additional resource for making Syscoin more accessible for those wishing to familiarize themselves with Syscoin by highlighting the latest news. A resource with daily updates of headlines is a much needed marketing resource.

3. Publish0x.com/drlove (Sysnetsite)
The blog**https://publish0x.com/drlove** serves as an additional marketing channel. It directly supports the marketing effort of the official channels. Topics are primarily sought to emphasize current developments. The blog now has 650 followers.The number of views of all posts within the last 30 days exceeded 12 K+ views with 350+ Likes.

In the last 30 days, the following were posted:

https://www.publish0x.com/drlove/regulators-begin-to-focus-on-tokens-nfts-and-stablecoins-sys-xglyoky (Views 7692+, Likes 261)

https://www.publish0x.com/drlove/syscoin-announces-nft-dapp-and-the-list-of-major-projects-to-xkyoezn (Views 2835+, Likes: 81)

4. The Twitter@sysnesite (280+ followers)** supports not only the primary Twitter accounts of @syscoin and @blockfoundry but is used to regularly announce any links added to Syslinks | Syscoin Network Community Platform and SysHeadlines.

5. Email submission forms were added to https://syscoin.network/syslinks and sysheadlines at the suggestion of a foundation member. Once a substantial number of users submit their emails, this will facilitate broadcasting of news in the future.>`

3. Status RAG (Red, Amber, Green)

Status Time Budget Risks
**RAG Status Guideline**
Status Time Budget Risks
Green: Key milestones are met and critical path and delivery end date are not affected. Cost variance is < 10% of lifetime cost. No risk is reported Amber or Red.
Amber: One or several key milestones cannot be met but critical path and delivery end date are not affected. Cost variance is 10%-20% of lifetime cost. At least one risk is reported as Amber and none is reported as Red.
Red: One or several key milestones cannot be met. Critical path and delivery end date are affected. Cost variance is >= 20% of lifetime cost. At least one risk is reported as Red.

4. Overall Status

as described above

5. Progress and Achievements Since Last Reporting Period

as described above

6. Time

time planning

7. Budget

3k SYS

8. Risks

risk planning