2021: 08--08 --- 8bitNazar gif/video/tiktok

<8bitNazar (gif/video/tiktok)>

Project Proposal

<8bitNazar> - <>

1. General Project Information

Project Name: <marketing twitter/tiktok>
Project Manager: <Nazar>
Link: <link to your proposal on syshub>
Vote: <console command to vote for your proposal>

2. Description

`<This proposal is in regard to @8bitNazar and @syscoin2mars I still have a lot of content that will be very useful for promotion. I will make more video content , also memes and gifs.

Here is a list with numbers post with views generated in the past two month(and this is not the whole list):
Screenshot 2021-07-13 132357
Screenshot 2021-07-13 132439
Screenshot 2021-07-13 132459
Screenshot 2021-07-13 132526
Screenshot 2021-07-13 132555
Screenshot 2021-07-13 132614
Screenshot 2021-07-13 132634
Screenshot 2021-07-13 132653


3. Status RAG (Red, Amber, Green)

Status Time Budget Risks
**RAG Status Guideline**
Status Time Budget Risks
Green: Key milestones are met and critical path and delivery end date are not affected. Cost variance is < 10% of lifetime cost. No risk is reported Amber or Red.
Amber: One or several key milestones cannot be met but critical path and delivery end date are not affected. Cost variance is 10%-20% of lifetime cost. At least one risk is reported as Amber and none is reported as Red.
Red: One or several key milestones cannot be met. Critical path and delivery end date are affected. Cost variance is >= 20% of lifetime cost. At least one risk is reported as Red.

4. Overall Status

<status description>

5. Progress and Achievements Since Last Reporting Period

<progress description>

6. Time

<time planning>

7. Budget

<3000 Sys>

8. Risks

<risk planning>