Assetallocationburn - I created an SPT for Bridge. How best to burn the entire supply?

The ERC-20 already exists. The entire SPT supply (max) has been allocated w/ assetsend (to original SPT owner address) and now I need to do the initial burn of the entire supply before actually using the bridge for the first time (best-practice, right?). In this context, which Ethereum address am I supposed to use with assetallocationburn? The ERC-20 token contract or a personal address? Got lost at this part.

I know it’s a destination address when using a bridge that’s already provisioned, but for this purpose not sure what to put.

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This was answered by Jag:

to personal address as it will send the erc20 there

if the registry doesnt have that spt you should add it too just the txid of the last time it was updated with the contract

see blockbook with the asset to find that

What’s the command you ended up using to do that

I used assetsend to issue the maximum supply into circulation, then assetallocationburn of the entire supply from that address to my own Ethereum address (for those unfamiliar, that does not mean my Ethereum address gets any of those coins).

Since then I’ve realized (or think I realize) that in the context of provisioning a bridge and burning entire supply that the Ethereum address used for the burn is arbitrary. So lately I’ve been using the Ethereum address of the token’s ERC-20 contract just because it doesn’t look strange and confuse onlookers.