Cannot import my wallet blockmarket 1.2 to syscoin core 4

Hi guys,

I am totally lost, in a nutshell I have some syscoins on blockmarket 1.2.3. From there I am not able to send them anywhere.
I have a copy of my wallet.dat + my private key.

I hav tried to import it onto blockmaster 3.2 but it didnt work, the wallet never loads.
I have also tried with syscoin core 4 by doing the following steps:
Import privkey into consol. and i get This type of wallet does not support this command (code -4)

I tried to import the dump and got the same result.
my dump is a sys2dump
Would you have any other suggestion?
I bough the coin in 2018, left them there and forgot about them.

You will need to create a new wallet, with 4.3 when creating a new wallet you have to UNTICK the descriptor option then choose the new wallet from the drop down that will appear in the console and import again

For any further assistance please join Discord and raise a ticket with the command !ticket