Mandatory Review of Your Nodes

Hi Syscoin Community,

It is mandatory for masternode owners who host their own masternodes, and users of Syscoin QT or Spark to make sure all their nodes are on the right block. This post provides instructions to check if your node(s) are correct, and simple steps to fix them if they aren’t.

Visit our github if you would like an in-depth explanation of the issue:

If your masternodes are managed by a third-party service such as AllNodes, you don’t need to do anything for them! However, you should still check your QT or Spark wallets. In either case, continue.

First check that your nodes have the correct chain tip. To do this you will use our explorer:

Look for the latest block on the explorer and check this against your nodes by doing the following in QT Console, Spark Console or PuTTY;

getblockcount For QT or Spark

syscoin-cli getblockcount For VPS

If your node is correct, its blockcount will match or be fairly close to what is shown as the most recent block by the explorer. In that case there is nothing more you need to do for that node.

If that is not the case, e.g. your node’s blockcount is significantly lower than the explorer’s by more than 100 blocks, you will need to do the following:


syscoin-cli invalidateblock 9006d65a020cee653bba791ff1bfad33f1c690f988fbc3c3a97fffa9f25ae979

sudo service syscoind stop (or syscoin-cli stop if you get an error starting)

sudo su -c 'syscoind -reindex' syscoin

syscoin-cli addnode add && syscoin-cli addnode add && syscoin-cli addnode add && syscoin-cli addnode add

Check your blocks again via the getblockcount command.

syscoin-cli getblockcount

If this still does not work please restart from the top and do again. The issue will be that your node is still attaching to bad peers. As more do this, the less issues nodes will have connecting to good peers.

For QT or Spark Console

invalidateblock 9006d65a020cee653bba791ff1bfad33f1c690f988fbc3c3a97fffa9f25ae979

Restart QT/Spark

Check your blocks again via the getblockcount command.

If this does not work, you may need to add some peers;

addnode add

addnode add

addnode add

addnode add

Then restart QT/Spark.

Check your blocks again via the getblockcount command.

You do not need to reinitialize your Masternode unless it reflects status "New Start Required"

If this still does not work please restart from the top and do again. The issue will be that your node is still attaching to bad peers. As more do this, the less issues nodes will have connecting to good peers.


How many nodes did this by now, where do we stand. Syncing seems to take much longer than before.

The majority have done this, including miners (all majors, most minors). Syncing from scratch does take somewhat longer than before as we have some more-populated-than-typical blocks in the period of May.

The syscoind -reindex is impossible for docker users since you cannot stop the daemon, it will restart it right away.