Masternode ENABLED for 130 hours. No reward yet

I recently updated my governance control token (masternode genkey).

Did this in the masternode.conf on my controller, and in the syscoin.conf on my masternode host.

Both the controller and masternode host show my masternode as ENABLED. However, after being in this state for 130 hours, I have yet to get a reward. This masternode should have seniority at this moment and I’ve been looking for that to show up.

According to the calculation [# of masternodes] * 2.6 / 60, qualification time should only be 88 hours. Scratching my head. Any ideas? Is that indeed the formula?

You could try masternode winners to see if your node is in the list of nodes to be paid soon.

But generally, the process is probabilistic.
On average the first payout should be between [# of masternodes] * 2.6 / 60 and [# of masternodes] * 2.6 / 60 + [# of qualified masternodes]/1440*24 hours…but theoretically it could take forever :wink:

Ok! I’ll just be patient. :upside_down_face:

That calculation is the old way based on DASH. SYS4.0, increased it due to ping retries. Qualification is now;

[# of masternodes * 4 / 60]

then you add on the average payout frequency.


Now that makes sense!

By the way, my masternode requalified in the early morning today and I got a reward. It came in very close to the time indicated by the formula you mentioned: [# of masternodes * 4 / 60]

All good!