It looks correct to me. From the console is the only way to start it at the moment. If the wallet unlocked and won’t initialize with the command I would check the masternode.conf again to make sure it’s correct. Do you have the right number behind your tx ID? It’s usually a 0 or a 1
@NerZee, yes everything tripple checked in masternode.config. Everything is correct. @johnp:
Wallet is fully synced (also masternodes), to which block it needs to be synced?
Looking in coin control: the masternode legacy address to which I sent 100.000 sys
according to the setup instruction, received exactly 100.000 SYS. E.g. behind the label
MN1 it shows the receiving address which states the masternode legacy address to which I have sent the 100.000. This amount is locked, since it has the lock icon in front.
How can I look up my TX with explorer exactly? What do I need to fill in where and can I also lookup the amount of sys my masternode collateral address currently has, using console?
I have several masternode legacy addresses per wallet. Perhaps that should cause trouble?
I just checked with masternode outputs. It shows the correct index. Within my masternode.config file I left the " " away around the index number though, but that is how its indicated in the instructions. So I do not have my index in masternode.config stated as “0”, but rather stated just as 0.
100%, triple checked this. With all my masternodes.