Migrate Spark/Syscoin Mobile App (alpha) address + SPT's to Spark Desktop

If you have used the Spark/Syscoin Mobile app alpha, which currently is offline, and want to access your Syscoin address and SPT’s, you need to migrate your Syscoin address to Spark Desktop or Qt. Here we suggest Spark Desktop since transacting SPT’s on this version is user friendly.

You need to retrieve the private key for the Syscoin address on your Mobile App which we can get by following some simple steps. What you need is the mobile wallet Recovery Phrase which are the 12 words you have written down when you created the mobile wallet. If you have not done so, you can show them by opening your mobile wallet with your pin, then go to Settings and click Show Recovery Phrase. You need to authenticate with your pin again and then your Recovery Phrase will be shown. Make sure nobody can see this and if you write it down or copy to your clipboard, make absolutely sure that you delete that note or clear your clipboard once the migration is complete. If you had opened the mobile wallet you can now shut that down.

The next step is to get the private key from that recovery phrase and for that we need a great tool from Ian Coleman which you can download here: https://github.com/iancoleman/bip39/releases
He has provided an offline version which you can download and use offline. After you have downloaded the tool, disconnect from the Internet and start the tool by clicking on the html file. This will open a webpage in your default browser.

Only the following fields you need to set/enter information:

  • field BIP39 Mnemonic you enter the Recovery Phrase
  • field Coin, select Syscoin
  • tab BIP84 on Derivation Path

Now on the Derived Addresses you will see that the first address on that list is the address you had on the mobile app. To check your balances, enter that public address into the Syscoin explorer at https://sys1.bcfn.ca ; if you have made sure its the correct address, you can now copy the Private key and import that into Spark Desktop.

Please note, that currently Spark Desktop runs outdated binaries and therefor you need to make sure you run the Spark Desktop with the latest Qt binaries. Also, we suggest that you run a clean Spark Desktop instance for this import.

Linked: https://support.syscoin.org/t/install-spark-desktop-4-1-0-on-windows-and-update-binaries-use-only-when-strictly-needed


Could you please explain how to run a spark desktop with the latest QT binaries? A stop gap at least until the updated version is out.

I will create a post to install Spark and update that with latest binaries and link it here.

I modified the post with the link I just created.