Pollum's Infra Reports [DEC - JAN]

Pollum Infra Report for Syscoin Community

Report Period: DEC-JAN

Report Date: 24nd January

Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Services
  1. New Developments

Executive Summary

The Pollum infrastructure was still without new features from December to January. During this time, the infrastructure just kept receiving small fixes.


RPC L1/L2 Public Infra


Short Description

The RPC nodes are set up using route53, global accelerator, application load balancers, and auto-scaling group, in 3 regions from AWS: Seoul, Frankfurt, and Virginia. Each region has its own auto-scaling group with one application load balancer. By default, the auto-scaling group runs only one Ec2, but it can be scaled up according to the need. The application load balancer concentrates the SSL and DNS for L1 and L2.

Finally, the global accelerator monitors the load balancers’ health to incoming requests according to the region. The route53 is only used for the DNS.

RPC L1/L2 Archive Infra

  • Endpoints Breakdown:
    • L1
    • L2
  • Status:
    • - Operational
    • - Operational
  • Updates:
    • N/A
Short Description

The nodes are configured in two separate instances. The L1 node uses a custom container image builder from version v4.2.2 of sysnevm. The L2 nodes use the current automation provided by syscoin at the Rollux repository.


Short Description

We reduced the service to just one node since the traffic has been slower. We just kept the load balancer in front of it in case it needs to be scaled

The Graph Nodes


Short Description

All the graph nodes are running in dedicated machines. Both nodes for the mainnet are running in x86 architectures while the testnet node is running in Arm architecture aiming for lower cost.

There is no scalability dedicated infrastructure configured for the graph nodes. All of them are running only in single ec2 instances and are accessible by IP. Only the testnet the graph node has a DNS for partners.

As we progress in the testing (infra adjustments mostly) and stability of these nodes they will have open DNS for community usage

New Developments

There weren’t new features to the graph nodes during the last period. Although., there are plans to add backups and infrastructure automation to a certain level during the next periods.