SMT October Proposal

Syscoin Marketing Team - October Proposal

Project Name: Syscoin Marketing Team

gobject_vote_many d00af1d94867fc8debfdd99b607a74ff2b89f5a8adee27c1b7f2bd1838a47028 funding yes

For our general operating costs (PR Company, Articles, Interviews, Graphics/Videos, Staff Payments) we are requesting a total of 100,000 SYS.

What’s Next for the Syscoin Marketing Team?

In addition to the ongoing work by SMT such as social media management, business development, and news updates, we will focus on:

Our major push for the coming weeks/months will be targeting NEVM. With the help of our new members Grizz and Cryptoloot, we plan to do the following;

  • Team Talk (general content)
  • Sys Bites (general content)
  • Countdown to NEVM (hype, focused campaign)
  • Smart Contract Outreach to Developers
  • NFT Partner Outreach (Opensea, Nifty, Foundation)
  • WSS and Tidal Wave expansion
  • Seasonal NFT Syscoin Packs
  • Pali Wallet Push
  • dApp hackathon

Community Growth

SEPT Twitter Analytics

Watch List increase from 86k to ~97k
Screen Shot 2021-10-16 at 10.10.03 am

PR and Influencers

At the moment we have paused the collaboration with our PR agency but will use our contacts to push out news articles across a range of news desks. In the meantime, we are getting more and more influencers on board, mostly on Twitter to help us spread all the features Syscoin has to offer. So if you have been seeing Syscoin pop up a lot more lately, we are doing our job!

Budget for September

We are requesting 100,000 SYS this coming round of governance funding.

High-level overview of SMT monthly expenses

Social Media Influencers and
News Outlet PR                                $8000 USD
Ongoing SMT costs                             $1000 USD
Google Adwords                                $1000 USD
Syscoin Brasil/LATAM                          $2000 USD
WSS Bounty Fund                               $5000 USD
Syscoin Videos                                $1000 USD
SMT Staff and Mod Compensation                $7000 USD
Business Development Team Compensation        $2000 USD
NEVM Social Media Promotion                   $3000 USD

TOTAL $30,000 USD

Voting For This Proposal

To vote in support of this proposal:

  • Vote from Syscoin-Qt
    • Open Syscoin-Qt
    • Select Tools > Console from the top menu
    • Copy and paste the following command onto one line, and hit enter:
      gobject_vote_many d00af1d94867fc8debfdd99b607a74ff2b89f5a8adee27c1b7f2bd1838a47028 funding yes

Thank you all for your continued support,
Syscoin Marketing Team.