Syscoin Platform (SYS) is a decentralized scalable blockchain for enterprise, a development platform, and an asset platform offering high throughput and scalability, low fees, the security of SHA256 merge mining, ease of token creation, and a unique form of decentralized cross-chain asset interoperability capable of working with many platforms without requiring intermediaries nor counterparty trust. The purpose of the project is to provide enterprises and organizations an ideal platform to benefit from blockchain and distributed ledger technology; specifically high security and availability, lower costs, and low barrier to entry. It has evolved across the span of its four major mainnet releases to its present state as a SHA256 merge-mined blockchain focused on scalability, assets, throughput, security, zero-counterparty interoperability with Ethereum and other platforms, and offchain services anchored onchain. Syscoin Platform source code is based primarily on Bitcoin Core, and includes a number of changes and additions to Dash Masternode source code particular to Syscoin Platform services.