Hi, i received a message from Node Check that my node changed to New Start Required, if i check that in sysnode.info it says New Start Required but if i check QT and VPS they say that the node is enable. And i just received a payment, so is sysnode.info working well?
My ip is if you want to verify
Looks OK to me

"ee8463dbe74a03644724790e0278ffdf8d282d9fc81dc4ee15b539dedc6c739e-1": {
"address": "",
"payee": "SSFHrPemEzjDKJtz4BtTzPtDnojvdQ5APX",
"status": "ENABLED",
"protocol": 31800,
"daemonversion": "1.1.3",
"sentinelversion": "1.0.0",
"sentinelstate": "current",
"lastseen": 1592602342,
"activeseconds": 32406371,
"lastpaidtime": 1592839840,
"lastpaidblock": 556907,
"pingretries": 0
I will look into sysnode. Node may be stuck on a block.