Updated to 4.1.3 and now I do not see my balance.. PLEASE HELP

Show me the results no sensitive data is displayed

OK now type getblockcount and tell me the number returned

637364 here it is …

Ok that is good …

So you are running the correct version and it is fully synced, do you know what your sys address was

I do not remember it but i know i can get the address in binance. HOWEVER, i bought a new iphone last week and the google authentication app deleted all the codes i had. So ineed to wait 48 hours so they can verify me. lol its been a nightmare, especially for a non computer/tech person

is it possible that i override my wallet.dat with the 0 balance one. I do remeber winging it and clickling on the backup file. but regardless i remember clearly having my balance on my wallet it just wasnt syncing and i did not know how to reindex

Ok did you set a password for your QT wallet

yes i did set a password

OK well you have the wrong wallet.dat as there is no lock icon at the bottom

See mine has a padlock next to ‘sys’ at the bottom

yes i see the padlock

Yours does not have this

So we have to find the correct copy
Rename the wallet.dat that is there
Then put a copy of each one you can find in there 1 at a time and see if that works

before we continue I just truly want to thank you for helping me. People like you make difference.

I think you should be looking for one with a size greater than 1408 kb

ok ill be searching in the files. Good thing i never permanently deleted anything

Dont use any from pre SYS4 though so check dates

1408kb is the highest KB