Where is my Syscoin? Bridge or Pali Wallet?

Dear Suppoort Team,
yesterday, I realize that Syscoin Bridge interface change, so I try to follow a tutorial to use it on easily way. I tried to send Syscoin tokens from Metamask to Pali Wallet, and then I’ve connected both , I specified a small quantity (6.7 SYS) to test it, and then…run…but I wait a Dialog from Pali wallet that never was showed and that’s all…transfer is waiting my confirmation, but Pali wallet Idle…

Could you help me, please, cause I need transfer More Syscoin token into pali Wallet…
Without other topics, have a good day.

Hello, we can help you better if you open a support ticket on Discord.

Hello have you been able to confirm your transaction or still having issues ? @clamarca

Are you still having issues ?