2020: 05--07 --- Updating Syscoin.network/Syslinks & More --- Update 2020-05-21

Updating Syscoin.network/Syslinks & More

Project Proposal

Current Proposal:
The current proposal seeks funds to extend the previous proposals and will encompass the
following tasks:
1. Timely Updates of Syslinks
Continue to update syscoin. network /syslinks with all links and following all channels of
information daily (Discord, Twitter), and disseminate new links added to those signed up to be
notified through the Twitter @sysnetsite.
2. Website editing of Syscoin. network/ syslinks and possibly other pages
During the past month, discussion in discord with @mca have been taken place regarding
possible integration of the central web page Syslinks on Syscoin org. The easiest way to provide for such an integration while maintaining independence of syscoin org is by way of a URL-forward which requires redesigning and adjusting the layout of that page on
syscoin. network/ syslinks and other pages such as syscoin. network/ systokens so it matches the official website (Fonts, etc.) to a substantial extend. If implemented, visitors to Syscoin. org could view syscoin. network/ syslinks as part of Syscoin org wishes to add such url-forward. Hence, while syscoin network continues to be an initiative by a community member and independent of the official sites, it contributes to the official channels when feasible.
Also, should the domain Syscoin. network domain at some point become part of the official
Syscoin websites, this would lay the groundwork for such a transition.

3. Adding a multilingual plugin
Visitors of Syscoin. network/ syslinks should be able to view the website in their choice of
language. Given the success of the recent AMA targeting Chinese crypto community, this should be done asap. At the time of writing, a google translate plugin has recently been added as an initial solution.

4. SEO Optimization
Until now, there has been no emphasis on marketing Syscoin. network using SEO. It was felt that that it may compete with other websites in terms of SEO ranking, so this was avoided and visitors came primarily from chat and discord, or twitter. Hence, care will be taken to make sure that search terms will be unique and complement, but not directly compete with other Syscoin related websites.

MooBaa - <email address>

1. General Project Information

Project Name: Updating Syscoin.network/Syslinks & More
Project Manager: MooBaa
Link: https://syshub.org/p/2014456e90ba8c7e6b5416e453127fdf1979e1008c00a7fb14fbd463289f01c5

2. Status RAG (Red, Amber, Green)

Status Time Budget Risks
**RAG Status Guideline**
Status Time Budget Risks
Green: Key milestones are met and critical path and delivery end date are not affected. Cost variance is < 10% of lifetime cost. No risk is reported Amber or Red.
Amber: One or several key milestones cannot be met but critical path and delivery end date are not affected. Cost variance is 10%-20% of lifetime cost. At least one risk is reported as Amber and none is reported as Red.
Red: One or several key milestones cannot be met. Critical path and delivery end date are affected. Cost variance is >= 20% of lifetime cost. At least one risk is reported as Red.

3. Overall Status

The main remaining task is to match the design of syscoin .network/syslinks more or less to that of syscoin org so it can be incorporated by syscoin. org by way of a url-forward, if wanted. This will be a challenging task but hopefully successful upon completion of the proposal.

4. Progress and Achievements Since Last Reporting Period

Several Task listed in the original proposal have already been completed:

  • Installation of a multi-language translation plugin
  • Changing Fonts on Syscoin.network/syslinks to match Syscoin.org
  • Continually Updating of all links
  • Editing of meta-tags
  • forward of syscoin network to syscoin network syslinks to make this
    the central piece of the domain

5. Time

<time planning>

6. Budget

4 Payments of 4500 Sys were requested. All the suggested task should be
completed in the time frame suggested.

7. Risks

<risk planning>

1 Like

Thanks for posting your proposal here :slight_smile:
And thanks as well for all that work you have been investing into syslinks!