Update troubles

Did you check for the things asked in the first error message?
That the wallet is unlocked and that it can write to the chosen location?

I haven’t seen the second one before. So you got the second error first, and then afterwards the first error? Both with the original blockmarket installation, which still shows your balance correctly?

And after you installed the lastest version of blockmarket, it’s using the same “SyscoinCore” data directory with the same content, but it’s not asking you for a password when trying to dump the private keys?

The blockmarket installation gave that javascript error and didn’t open.
Then i reinstalled blockmarket (and i saved the blockmarket folder to be safe).
No syscoin appeared.
Then i put in blockmarket the old dat backup file, no syscoin appeared but i dumped the wallet following the guide. I then impprted it corrrectly in the new syscoin wallet but no syscoin appear. I hope to be clear this time!

Thanks, that is very helpful :slight_smile:

Did the new blockmarket installation ask you for the password you used in the old one, when creating the dumpfile? If so, the dump made should be that of the keys in the old wallet.dat. If not, the replacement didn’t work for some reason and you dumped the keys in the newly created wallet.dat.

it didn’t ask my password

can i give you my wallet dat and see if you can recover it? (in private obviously)

Let’s try and fix the problem without exposing your private keys first :wink:

In what folder did you copy your old wallet.dat to replace the new one?

I listed the data directory locations in The Syscoin data directory

you mean to replace in blockmarket? i did import wallet menu

Hm, no idea what that does. I suggest you close blockmarket, copy your wallet.dat into the Syscoin data directory as per the link in my last reply…You want the Syscoin 3 version… and then start blockmarket again and try to dump the private keys again. If it asks you for the password, that worked.

can you please link syscoin 3?

Blockmarket is a Syscoin3 client :wink:
I mean this:

/Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/SyscoinCore/
Note : The Library directory is hidden by default, you can quickly access this directory by opening Finder
pressing: CMD + Shift + G
and typing: ~/Library/Application Support/SyscoinCore/

i know, i meant if you can give me the download link

To Syscoin-Qt 3?

I’m not sure if the data directories are compatible between Blockmarket and Qt. I never could run Blockmarket on my Linux system :wink:

now when i open syscoin 3 it tells me wallet is corrupted, i put the wallet i backupped from blockmarket, as i told you

yes. I’d try with the blockmarket that worked before…not sure why you wanted to avoid that.

what do i want to avoid??

well, let me rephrase: I’m not sure why you want to try with an old version of Qt now, instead of trying what I suggested with the version of blockmarket that you have.

i understood that i should better use syscoin 3, reinstalling blockmarket

ah, no I was referring to the section about syscoin3 in the other topic. to point you to the correct path to the data directory.

it says wallet corrupted