Reindex Syscoin LUX Masternode - Script Install

On the 12th of June, there was an issue with chain locks which forked the chain. This was due to 1min block times and chain lock delay which was around 40 secs. F2pool continued trying to mine the fork, which was labelled as invalid correctly, although the node wouldn’t automatically switch back to the shorter chain. This has since been fixed, but Masternode Operators will need to check their VPS is synced and if not, you will need to reindex.

If you have a hosted Masternode, there is nothing needed to be done on your side. If you have installed via Script, please follow the below cmds.

  1. Log into VPS

  2. Run

syscli getblockcount

If this does not work please run the following cmd

source ~/.bashrc

  1. If you are not synced with the current chain, you will need to do a reindex. Chances are it will be stuck at Block 1063326.
    Check current block at; Syscoin Explorer

  2. If you are not synced, run the following cmd in your VPS.
    sudo service syscoind stop && sudo su -c 'syscoind -reindex' syscoin

  3. You can then double check the block height via;
    syscli getblockcount

This should now resync your node to the current chain. Any issues, please open a ticket on Syscoin Discord.