Syscoin QT data directory

Paths to Syscoin’s data directory
Please replace [USERNAME] by your username.

For Syscoin 4 (and 1 and 2)
  • Mac

    /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Syscoin/
    Note: The Library directory is hidden by default, you can quickly access this directory by opening Finder
    pressing: CMD + Shift + G
    and typing: ~/Library/Application Support/Syscoin/

  • Windows


  • Linux


For Syscoin 3
  • Mac

    /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/SyscoinCore/
    Note: The Library directory is hidden by default, you can quickly access this directory by opening Finder
    pressing: CMD + Shift + G
    and typing: ~/Library/Application Support/SyscoinCore/

  • Windows


  • Linux
